There are many reasons a person might choose to change their name. It could be for religious, political, family, or personal reasons. If you’re considering changing your first or last name, you must do it legally to prevent issues going forward. Here are two things to know about both adult and minor name changes in South Carolina.
#1: Adult Name Changes
Outside of marriage or divorce, whatever the cause or inspiration, a name change requires action through the court system.
Individuals who are age 18 or older can petition the court for a legal name change. It requires:
- A background check and fingerprinting at a law enforcement office or agency
- Completion of a name change form
- Completion of a Consent to Release Information form from the Social Security Administration
- Completion of a name change petition form
- Affidavits for conviction, child support, and alimony
- Filing the petition
- Attending a hearing
#2: Minor Name Changes
Individuals under the age of 18 can also petition the court for a name change, usually done by their parent or parents on their behalf. The process is similar to adult name changes but also includes the assignment of a Guardian Ad Litem to act as a liaison between the minor and the court. Adult name changes can happen outside of a courtroom, but a name change request for a minor must go before a judge.
Does all of this sound a little daunting? The process can be complex and time-consuming. To ensure it goes quickly and smoothly, without issues or complications, turn to a law firm that focuses on helping you through the name change process from start to finish. Contact the team at McCutchen McLean, LLC today to get started on the road to your new name.