You could benefit from speaking with an employment lawyer if you’re dealing with an employment dispute. No matter which side you’re on, when issues arise between an employee and an employer, sometimes the best approach is to address them through the legal system. Here are three of the most common types of employment disputes and what you can do about them.
#1: Wrongful Termination
South Carolina is an at-will state, which means an employer can terminate an employee without cause and for any reason. The at-will status also means it’s hard to prove wrongful termination. However, there are specific instances when you can prove wrongful termination and take legal action, including discrimination based on gender, race, religion, and age. Retaliation laws are also in place to protect employees from firing based on a retaliatory act.
#2: Wage Dispute
When an employer fails to compensate an employee for their work and time properly, this can lead to a wage dispute. The issue over lack of compensation often arises from lack of overtime pay, holiday pay, earned tips, allowing for breaks, and paying under minimum wage.
#3: Harassment and Discrimination
Harassment and discrimination suits are common in employment disputes. They can encompass everything from unfair treatment, harassment, and lack of accommodation based on sexual orientation, gender, religion, race, age, disability, and pregnancy, among others.
Whether you’re an employer or an employee, legal representation during an employment dispute can make all the difference in the outcome. Our team is here to help. Contact McCutchen McLean, LLC today.