Alimony is the money paid from one spouse to another in a divorce. If you’re at any stage in the divorce process, it’s critical to understand the different types of alimony. It can be confusing in the best scenario, but in South Carolina, it can be especially complex. But don’t panic – we’ve got you covered. Take a look at this easy-to-understand guide to the three most common types of alimony.
Permanent Periodic Alimony
The most commonly ordered type of alimony, permanent periodic alimony, consists of ongoing monthly payments from the supporting spouse and usually lasts a lifetime. The only way to change the amount paid is with a judge’s order. Any change requires proof of a change in life circumstances that’s significant.
Rehabilitative Alimony
Rehabilitative alimony lasts significantly less time than permanent periodic alimony. The purpose is to allow the supporting spouse to pay alimony long enough for the other spouse to become self-supporting, often accomplished through training or continuing education. The order for this type of support is usually given for shorter marriages, when one party didn’t have a paying job during the marriage but can now become gainfully employed when they’ve acquired job skills.
Reimbursement Alimony
This type of payment supports a spouse who supported their spouse during the creation of a business or enterprise during the marriage. This is usually given when the business is successful, and the judge deems the successful spouse responsible for reimbursing the sacrificing spouse for their time, investment, and potential lost opportunities.
Instead of guessing which type of alimony a judge will order in your divorce case, get an attorney in your corner to help you navigate through the process. Contact the team at McCutchen McLean, LLC for help negotiating not only alimony but all aspects of your divorce.